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Learn more about Sophie Wells

The recent edition of Horse & Hound featured a lovely article on Britain’s para dressage riders and our very own Sophie Wells. We have taken a few extracts from the article so we can share it with you. The full article can be found in the most recent edition of Horse & Hound.

Did you know…Britain’s para dressage riders have never been beaten in Paralympic competition or any major international championship. Surely it’s written in the stars for another Gold?!

It’s not only Germany that are hot on our tails – Denmark, the Netherlands and Canada are all looking on top form this year.

The 2012 Paralympics have hit record ticket sales. If you managed to get tickets for the Olympics then you were extremely lucky and the Paralympics is no different. They are set to be the most well attended in history with a record 2.1 million tickets selling three weeks prior to the games.

The article contained some top facts about the format of the dressage competition and the lovely Sophie Wells. She swept the board in the final selection trial and is set for great things in the Paralympics. We are all supporting you Sophie.